Lid Lumps Removal :
You can have common lid lumps arising from the different glands on the skin and in the eyelids.
Lid Malposition Correction :
Entropion : This is when the eyelids turn inwards and the eyelashes rub against the eyeball and cause discomfort , infection and even problems with eyesight. This can be easily corrected by an operation under local anaesthetic and a bit of sedation if required.
Ectropion : This is when the eyelids turn outwards and and cause discomfort , infection and drying up of the surface of the eyeball and its lining. This can be easily corrected by an operation under local anaesthetic and a bit of sedation if required.
Ptosis : This is drooping of the upper eyelids mostly. This can cause cosmetically unacceptable appearence and obstruction of the field of vision. This is again correctable surgically and I perform a special technique described under my special interests.
Brow Ptosis : This is when the Eye Brows droop and push on the upper eyelid skin down on the eyelashes, making the eyes feel heavy. This often gives a baggy eyelid like appearence and needs lifting of the brows by various surgical techniques , rather than Blapharoplasty.
Baggy Eyelids Correction ( Blepharoplasty): This is when there is excess of upper or lower lid skin together with prolapsing of the fat pads present in the eyelids. This can be corrected by removing excess skin and either redraping or removing the fat.
Misdirected Eyelashes Removal : This is another very common condition where the eyelashes are directed inwards instead of pointing outwards, with the eyelid position being normal. This carries the risk of scratching the surface of the eye and cause infections. This can also be treated by various surgical techniques, one of them being passing an electric current through the root of the offending eyelash ( electrolysis).
Eyelid Skin Cancer Removal : Lumps on or around the eyelids can sometimes be cancerous and the commonest one being a basal cell carcinoma or a "rodent ulcer". That is why any such lesion , which is recurring, bleeding , changing colour or causing constant irritation, should be checked out and a biopsy should be done to make sure that it is not a skin cancer.
This is one of my special areas of interest and more details are in that section.